Sarah L. Yoon Coloring Books

Vibrant Minds

This Playful Personality Coloring Book is an Enneagram themed coloring book, where we visualize our personalities as homes that we can love and care for. Inside you’ll find 35 art pieces inspired by two simple questions: What kind of home is your mind? How does it move? Each page is designed to inspire playful conversations. The art includes large homes, imaginative compilations, and simpler homes. The variety allows you to enjoy coloring no matter what mood you're in. As a bonus, you'll find quotes and notes from each Enneagram type.

Sarah L. Yoon's art is a light way to approach harder subjects. We often let our struggles with stress or mental health discourage and isolate us, but, when we visualize our personalities, we treat our minds far more gently. Our minds are a home that we get to nurture, cherish, and share. Vibrant Minds opens playful new ways to connect with friends, family, and significant others, as you color your way through the illustrated Enneagram.

Stations of the Cross

This limited print run of the Stations of the Cross includes all 14 stations that tell the story of the crucifixion, from Gethsemane to tomb. Sarah L. Yoon is currently writing meditations to pair with each image and working to publish the book more widely.

Between Cultures: Coloring In the Korean-American Kitchen

Sarah L. Yoon is halfway through creating images of her Korean-American kitchen, the place where she finds herself the most joyful in the cultural in-between of biracial family life, cooking with her son, husband, and friends. This book will be a gift from one cultural in-between to another; and the best gift I can give comes in the form of food and art.



