New Systems

I am a scattered person, but I bet a trillion dollars you wouldn’t guess by looking at my home. I keep my decor minimal. I donate excess to create a few inches of margin in my cupboards and closets. My organization is meticulous. I have a huge whiteboard in my bedroom with four task lists written on it. Check marks line the sides of each list.

From that very curated* description, does it sound like I’ve got it all figured out?

Big Nope

Talk with me for all of five seconds and you’ll see. Oh, you’ll see. And you’ll hear. I’m all too ready to overshare about how my brain works. The clumsy, messy, distractible, easily overwhelmed behind-the-scenes of my daily life. I like to share because it helps me find people who can relate* and makes me feel like I don’t have to pretend around the people who cannot relate.

All of my organization and lists are set up as personalized accommodations to help me through my day, from brushing my teeth in the morning to resting well in the evening. I’ve accepted that my sensory issues aren’t going away any time soon, so might as well work with them rather than against them. And after years of trial and error, I think I’ve done a pretty nice job of it. I’ve managed our belongings well and I’ve communicated with my family well, and things are going really shockingly smoothly. It’s taken years to get here, guys.

Time to Tinker

I want to apply this “work with, not against” mentality to my art and writing practice. Granted, I have tried before. But it was hard to apply when I didn’t know what exactly I was working with. I kept taking advice from creative professionals, even though something about it just tasted wrong. No matter how I tweaked it, no matter how good it was, the advice didn’t work for me. You can imagine how deeply frustrating it feels to see a set of tasks ahead and never be able to do them properly, even though I have the necessary skills.

I know what I’m working with now. It’s time to fine-tune the accommodations so my creative process functions as well as my beautiful, tidy, sensory-friendly home. First? Change one key element to help ground my process.

What’s Changing?

My website is becoming my central hub. I used to let my website stand as a passive holding place for bylines and art portfolio pieces while I spent my energy on social media. No longer. I need a stable base where I can build systems. Updates will originate here and only from here they will spread across the socials.

What will that help me with? Honestly, a little bit of everything. You might not see a big difference yet, but showing off isn’t the goal. I’d like to feel more ownership in my process. To enjoy being immersed in it. Fine tuning the task sequencing is super important for me. If you’ve built systems for yourself, you know what I mean, and I’d like to see how a more streamlined, joyful process affects the quality, the confidence, and the trajectory of my work. I’d like to think that you’ll be able to see the ripple effects in time.

What You Can Do:

Subscribe to my free newsletter so these updates will come straight to your email. You will get info on sales, events, new products, project behind the scenes, youtube videos, and so on.

Visit the updated shop! I reshot product photography and added cards, stickers, and books that hadn’t made it onto the website. Official update info is coming soon, and you are very welcome to browse ahead of time.

*Anyone who has visited my home knows how much information I’m trimming out of this description. I bet you a trillion dollars…if you only look at the parts of my home I have control over. Some things I choose to have oodles of patience for because I love my messy family.

**Can you relate?


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