Oct. 26th Event! Amazing Grace Comic Con

One summer afternoon, my entire craft fair melted in a heat wave. Vendors hid in the shade behind their tables and potential customers wandered past. It was my first craft fair, too. Being new meant I was unsure of everything. Would my preparations work out? Were my displays enticing enough? An even scarier question: was my art good enough?

I was so nervous that I wanted to get to the location hours before the event started. My sister and my husband slowed me down, tempered my nerves, and helped me set up. When everything was ready, people bought things. Like, they actually bought things. I was shocked, overwhelmed, and quite happy, too.

The most memorable sale happened when a woman saw how many trees I had painted and she picked up item after item until I couldn’t believe someone could impulse buy so many things. She was my biggest purchase of the day. Her enthusiasm for my work was a joy that I had never experienced before.

This event, and the events that followed, helped me learn something very important: People are often kind. Strangers, even, are often kind. Each time I dare bring my art somewhere new, I choose, yet again, to hope to connect with more people over beautiful things. It’s a lot of work, but I love making it happen.

Come to my Next Event!

On Saturday, October 26th, I’ll be at the Amazing Grace Comic Con, hosted by Grace on 3rd in Long Beach. It’s been a while since I’ve done an event, which means I have a lot of new items to show! My newest coloring book has never been on a table before, so I’m excited to see how people respond to it in person.

This event is storied. Maybe one of these days I’ll feel free to say how—not my story to tell—but I know from the organizers, one of whom is a friend of mine, that the work going into the event comes from a very personal place. My part in supporting the organizer’s efforts includes running a table and designing a few promo images (including the one above).

All that said, please come and visit! Get your AGCC tickets at eventbrite and put it on your calendar.

Thank you!

I appreciate your care, your kindness, and your support. Want to keep up with my work? Here are a few ways to get involved:


Dec. 8th: Holiday Market


New Video! Art Studio ASMR